August 17th-22nd
If you're looking to get a bunch of play therapy training all at one time, consider attending the
Michigan Play Therapy Training Academy Summer Camp Training Intensive.
Due to the health crisis this year's summer camp will be held ONLINE!
The training will follow APT's guidelines for current training conditions ... which means the workshop will be live and interactive, there will be no more than 40 participants, and each workshop will include a post-test for attendees.
Due to COVID-19 health concerns, this one-time online event has been approved by APT for (25 hrs) CONTACT CE Hours.
The cost is $500 for the entire week of online training (25 contact hours), or sign up for each individual workshop "a la carte". Two hour workshops cost $40, three hour workshops cost $60, and 5 hour workshops are $100.
Registration now Closed
The Importance of Play &
Foundations of Play Therapy
10am - 12pm
(2 contact hours)
This introductory level presentation will define play and discuss the importance of play on child development, social skills, and emotional regulation. From there it will outline what play therapy is and how to become a play therapist. In addition, it will cover the history of play therapy, including Axline's Principles of Play Therapy.
List at least 10 definining qualities of play.
Describe the importance of play on child development, social skills, and emotional regulation; and how these are essential pieces in play therapy.
Demonstrate the ability to explain play therapy to others.
Identify the key people and theories in the history of play therapy.
Play Therapy Sample Platter:
Overview of Play Therapy Models
1pm - 4pm
This introductory level presentation overviews various different theoretical models of play therapy; such as child-centered play therapy, release/structured play therapy, Adlerian play therapy, and more. Each theoretical model is reviewed and discussed.
Recognize at least 3 theoretical models of play therapy.
Identify the strengths and weaknesses of different play therapy models.
Identify key therapist/researcher behind the theoretical models.
Child Centered Play Therapy 101
This presentation is for beginning play therapists. It will begin by looking at the importance of how the therapist views children and discuss how the therapeutic relationship is central to Child Centered Play Therapy (CCPT). The presentation will overview what materials/toys are needed in a CCPT room and how to set up a play room, as well as places you can obtain the items. From there it will focus on learning the essential CCPT skills of structuring, empathic listening, imaginary play, limit setting, and faith & respect.
1. Define Child Centered Play Therapy (CCPT).
2. Understand of views about children and the therapeutic relationship impact therapy.
3. Identify what types of toys are needed in a CCPT room.
4. Learn and demonstrate the 5 essential CCPT skills (structuring, empathic listening, imaginary play, limit setting, and faith & respect).
Greatest Mistakes in Play Therapy
This introductory level presentation will cover common mistakes play therapists make while conducting play therapy. It will review literature on being an imperfect therapist and discuss ways to avoid major pitfalls.
Recognize at least 3 common mistakes made in play therapy.
Identify ways to avoid making common mistakes in play therapy.
9am-12pm, hour break, then continue 1pm-3pm
This presentation is for introductory level play therapists. It will discuss the importance of introducing play therapy to a family as a method of treatment for their child and also cover ways to assess families. Next, the presentation will overview Filial and Theraplay play therapy models. The presentation will also cover what to do in the periodic meetings with parents throughout the process of play therapy – such as translating play themes, targeting problem behaviors, and the extremely essential skill of teaching parenting skills. It will review several different techniques that could be used as a family play therapy session (such as family sandtray, genograms, aquarium, band, build-a-dollhouse, and game play).
Overview basic reasons why working with the family is important to treatment.
Learn how to conduct an initial interview with parents.
Learn ways to assess children and their families.
Learn ways to work with parents throughout the play therapy process.
Learn how to conduct family therapy sessions using play as a treatment method.
Assessment in Play Therapy
(2 contact hours)
This presentation will review many ways to assess children in play therapy. It will cover chronological, emotional, social, cognitive, motor, communication, moral, personality, sexual identity, and racial identity development. It will discuss different assessment and testing measures and activities that can be used within play therapy or as supplemental services by qualified professionals.
1. Summarize developmental theories of Freud, Erikson, Piaget, and Kohlberg and how they surface in play therapy.
2. Differentiate between chronological age and developmental stage, as well as understand how this is impacted through play therapy.
3. Identify ways to assess children's play during play therapy to determine his/her developmental stage.
4. Identify strategies to educate parents about childhood development and how play therapy promotes healthy development.
Many of the common issues children come into play therapy with have overlapping themes (such as lack of self-regulation, anger management issues, inattention, social skill problems, and coping skills). This workshop will present activities that address these issues, including
feeling awareness and identification
projective projects for assessment and to increase self-awareness
anger management activities
teaching social skills
relaxation techniques
Learning Objectives
Increase assessment and diagnosis skills for common childhood diagnoses.
Learn to appropriately pair play therapy techniques to presenting issues.
Discuss the overlapping tendency for many of the diagnoses.
Observe demonstrations and practice creative and fun play therapy techniques.
Battling Burnout in Play Therapy
(2 contact hours)
This workshop is appropriate for play therapists of intermediate to advanced training. It will begin with an open discussion about burn out, giving the audience a chance to voice their experiences and current concerns. Common factors and overlapping themes will be written down to refer back to throughout the presentation, as well as to validate the prevalence of the feelings. The presentation will then briefly outline some of the key literature on effectiveness and discuss how therapists can utilize these resources. From there the presentation will review how the presenter's research on Effective Moments in Play Therapy was conducted and outline the findings. During the afternoon the presentation will focus be on experientially applying the learnings from the research to help the participants develop individualized plans to increase their feelings of effectiveness. Exercises will include developing a plan of self-care, discussing the importance of working with others (such as the child's family, school, and also having supervision and peer support/networking), creating their own journal to record effective moments in play therapy, and more.
Learning Objectives
State the importance of self-awareness for play therapists.
Identify appropriate literature on play therapy effectiveness.
Identify strategies to enhance feelings of being an effective play therapist.
Define burnout and vicarious trauma.
Identify signs and symptoms of burnout.
Identify self-care strategies.
PLAYFUL SUPERVISION: Play Therapy Supervision
(3 contact hours)
This advanced level presentation will overview important aspects of providing play therapy supervision. It will cover useful paperwork to utilize when beginning a new supervisory relationship, ways to assess the therapist, and demonstrate playful interventions to use in supervision.
Identify important documents to utilize in play therapy supervision.
Describe various ways to assess play therapists.
Identify key play therapy supervision interventions.
Continuing Education for Play Therapy
The Michigan Play Therapy Training Academy is approved by the Association for Play Therapy to sponsor continuing education specific to play therapy and maintains responsibility for the program. APT Approved Provider 15-407.
Full attendance is required. Continuing education verification is handed out to participants following the training. If you have questions regarding continuing education, learning objectives, agenda, grievance issues please contact Laura Hutchison at

All cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance. Participants will be given a credit towards a future training to be used within 2 years of the original training date (no cash refunds).
No shows or missed trainings will receive no refund or credit. You may send another attendee in your place.
No partial CE credit is available.
All trainings are subject to sufficient registration.
Should the Michigan Play Therapy Training Academy need to cancel a training we will make every attempt to notify paid registrants in a timely manner. All paid registrants will receive a full refund.
Michigan Play Therapy Training Academy only assumes liability for the registration portion of any training. All other costs are the responsibility of the registrant.
ADA: If you have special needs, please contact Laura Hutchison at 248-662-5437

All times are Eastern Standard time zone (EST).
Registration Full
Registration Full
Registration Full