rpt phase one curriculum

If you want to become a Registered Play Therapist (RPT) here's where to start!!!
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MiPTTA RPT phase one curriculum
Live Trainings with MiPTTA
(for overview and learning objectives click on the title of each presentation)
The Importance Play & The Foundations of Play Therapy
(2 contact hours towards history)
Play Therapy Sample Platter: An Overview of the Models
(3 contact hours towards history or theory)
The Play Therapy Experience: phase one Connections to Childhood
(2 contact hours & 1 non contact skills in special topics)
(prereq - 30 min of solitary play, 60 min of social play, write up to be submitted before attending the training!!!
Setting up a Play Therapy Space
(2 contact hours in skills)
Creating Virtual Play Therapy Rooms
(2 contact hours in skills)
Non-Directive Play Therapy Skills
(3 contact hours in skills)
Working with Families in Play Therapy
(3 contact hours in skills)
Intro to Family Play Therapy Models
(2 contact hour in theory)
Intro to Adlerian Play Therapy
(3 contact hours in theory)
Intro to Sandtray Play Therapy
(2 contact hours in skills)
(2 contact hours in Skills)
Lifestyle Assessment (Adlerian Play Therapy Conceptualization)
(2 content hours in skills)
Family Assessment in Play Therapy
2 contact hours in skills
Sensory Systems, Polyvagal Theory, & Co-Regulation in Play Therapy
6 contact hours in skills
35 total training hours
History = 5
Theory = 5 (*need at least 15 more in phase one)
Skills = 22
Special Topics = 2
Non-Contact Reading
APT offers E-Learning opportunities. You will be responsible for obtaining a copy of the written material, as well as purchase the test from APT. After the suggested books listed below I’ve included the link for the test. To reach the number of instruction hours you *need for theory for phase one consider hours from these suggestions:
Doing Play Therapy, by Kottman & Meaney (10 non-contact hours in history, theory, &/or skills) https://apt.digitellinc.com/apt/sessions/1278/view
Play Therapy Dimensions Model: A Decision Making Guide for Therapists, by Yasenik & Gardner (4 non-contact hours in history, theory, skills) https://apt.digitellinc.com/apt/sessions/526/view
Play Therapy: The Art of the Relationship, by Landreth (11 non contact hours in history, CCPT theory, &/or skills) https://apt.digitellinc.com/apt/sessions/559/view
The Therapeutic Powers of Play, by Drewes & Schaefer (9 non contact hours in history, theory, &/or skills) https://apt.digitellinc.com/apt/sessions/589/view
By the end of phase one, you should make sure you know which theory base you’d like to center your play therapy educational hours on because you will need 25 of your 50 hours in theory to be one ONE seminal theory to obtain your RPT.
APT recognizes the following historically significant theories to the field of play therapy:
1. Adlerian
2. Child-Centered
3. Cognitive-Behavioral
4. Developmental (Viola Brody)
5. Ecosystemic
6. Filial – although not a theory, this approach is historically significant.
7. Gestalt
8. Jungian
9. Object-Relations
10. Theraplay – although not a theory, this approach is historically significant)
*PLEASE DEFER to APT for any questions regarding the process of becoming an RPT!*
Continuing Education for Play Therapy
The Michigan Play Therapy Training Academy is approved by the Association for Play Therapy to sponsor continuing education specific to play therapy and maintains responsibility for the program. APT Approved Provider 15-407.
Full attendance is required. Continuing education verification is handed out to participants following the training. If you have questions regarding continuing education, learning objectives, agenda, grievance issues please contact Laura Hutchison at playdr@gmail.com.