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SEPTEMBER 20th-21st, 2024

This retreat offers 16 contact play therapy instruction hours and will focus on different types of play therapy interventions!

Participants can sign up for the both entire days ($400) or pick and choose which workshops they would like to attend. Prices are $25 for an hour workshop, $50 for a 2 hour workshop, & $100 for a 4 hour workshop. Snacks and materials will be provided, however meals and lodging are not included.


 All trainings are taught by Laura Hutchison, PsyD, LP, RPT/S 

(APT Approved Provider 15-407). Any questions? Contact me at

Continuing Education for Play Therapy

The Michigan Play Therapy Training Academy is  approved by the Association for Play Therapy to sponsor continuing education specific to play therapy and  maintains responsibility for the program.  APT Approved Provider 15-407.  

Full attendance is  required.   Continuing education verification is handed out to participants following the training.   If you have questions regarding continuing education, learning objectives, agenda, grievance issues please contact Laura Hutchison at     




10am-12pm         Feelings Activities for Play Therapy (2 contact hours, $50)

12pm-1pm           Lunch (on your own)

1pm-5pm            Using Therapeutic Games in Play Therapy (4 contact hours, $100)

5pm-6pm           Dinner (on your own)

6pm-8pm           Story Time: Bibliotherapy in Play therapy (2 contact hours, $50)



10am-12pm       Why Can't We Be Friends: Social Navigation in Play Therapy (2 contact hours, $50)

12pm-1pm         Lunch (on your own)

1pm-3pm          Confidence Corner: Self-Esteem Play Therapy Interventions (2 contact hours, $50) 

3pm-5pm         Helping Kids Deal with Angry Feelings in Play Therapy (2 contact hours, $50)

5pm-6pm         Dinner (on your own)

6pm-8pm         Worry Wonders: Taming Anxiety through Play Therapy (2 contact hours, $50)

Training Details

Feeling Activities: Emotion Identification & Regulation in Play Therapy

Participants will learn different play therapy activities to help clients recognize, understand, label, appropriately express, and regulate emotions. A majority of the workshop will be spent learning about different hands-on and virtual play therapy activities through demonstration and active participation.  We will also discuss what populations and diagnoses the activities work best.

Learning Objectives

  • Demonstrate how to conduct 10 feeling activities to use in play therapy.

  • Explain the importance of helping clients recognize, understand, label, express, and regulate their emotions in play therapy.

  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of at least 10 therapeutic feelings activities

falls under APT's primary instruction areas of  "Play Therapy Skills or Methods"

Using Games in Play Therapy

Participants will learn different ways to use games in play therapy and gain understanding about what clients can gain through game play.  A majority of the workshop will be spent learning about different games through demonstration and active participation.  We will also discuss what populations and diagnoses the games work best with.  Additionally, participants will create their own simple board game which will be able to be used in play therapy.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify 20 games to use in play therapy.

  • Explain what things are learned through game play.

  • Create a simple board game for use in the play therapy setting.​

Falls under APT's primary instruction areas of  "Play Therapy Skills or Methods"

Story Time: Bibliotherapy in Play Therapy

Participants will learn different ways to implement reading to children within play therapy to enhance healing.  The workshop will be spent sharing and reviewing different books, as well as discussing what populations and diagnoses the books work best with. Participants are asked to bring one book to share and read during the workshop.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify at least 3 different ways to implement reading books in play therapy.

  • Identify at least 20 different book titles to utilize in play therapy.

  • Identify at least 5 play therapy activities to go along with specific books

Falls under APT's primary instruction areas of  "Play Therapy Skills or Methods"

Why Can't We Be Friends?: Social Navigation in Play Therapy

Participants will learn different activities to help clients learn age appropriate social skills through play therapy. A majority of the workshop will be spent learning about different hands-on and virtual play therapy activities through demonstration and active participation.  We will also discuss what populations and diagnoses the activities work best.

 Learning Objectives

  • Demonstrate how to conduct at least 5 social skill activities to use in play therapy.

  • Explain the importance of helping clients master social skills and improve their relationships through play therapy.

  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of at least 5 social skill activities to use in play therapy.

 falls under APT's primary instruction areas of  "Play Therapy Skills or Methods"

Confidence Corner: Self-Esteem Play Therapy Interventions

Participants will learn different activities to help clients increase their self-esteem through the power of play therapy.  A majority of the workshop will be spent learning about different hands-on and virtual play therapy activities through demonstration and active participation.  We will also discuss what populations and diagnoses the activities work best.

 Learning Objectives

  • Demonstrate how to conduct at least 5 therapeutic activities to use in play therapy that help raise clients' self-esteem.

  • Explain the importance of helping clients raise their self-esteem through play therapy.

  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses at least 5 therapeutic activities to use in play therapy that help raise clients' self-esteem

 falls under APT's primary instruction areas of  "Play Therapy Skills or Methods"

Helping Kids Deal with Angry Feelings in Play Therapy

Participants will learn different play therapy activities to help clients recognize, understand, label, appropriately express, and regulate anger. A majority of the workshop will be spent learning about different hands-on and virtual play therapy activities through demonstration and active participation.  We will also discuss what populations and diagnoses the activities work best.

Learning Objectives

  • Demonstrate how to conduct at least 5 play therapy activities to help kids recognize, understand, label, express, and/or regulate anger.

  • Explain the importance of helping clients recognize, understand, label, express, and regulate anger in play therapy.

  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of at least 5 play therapy activities dealing with anger.

 falls under APT's primary instruction areas of  "Play Therapy Skills or Methods"

Worry Wonders: Taming Anxiety through Play Therapy

Participants will learn different play therapy activities to help clients recognize, understand, label, appropriately express, and regulate anxiety. A majority of the workshop will be spent learning about different hands-on and virtual play therapy activities through demonstration and active participation.  We will also discuss what populations and diagnoses the activities work best.

 Learning Objectives

  • Demonstrate how to conduct at least 5 therapeutic activities to use in play therapy that help tame anxiety.

  • Explain the importance of helping clients recognize, understand, label, express, and regulate their anxiety in play therapy.

  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of at least 5 therapeutic activities to help kids tame anxiety.

falls under APT's primary instruction areas of  "Play Therapy Skills or Methods"


  • All cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance. Participants will be given a credit towards a future training to be used within 2 years of the original training date (no cash refunds).

  • No shows or missed trainings will receive no refund or credit.  You may send another attendee in your place.

  • No partial CE credit is available.

  • All trainings are subject to sufficient registration.

  • Should the Michigan Play Therapy Training Academy need to cancel a training we will make every attempt to notify paid registrants in a timely manner.  All paid registrants will receive a full refund.

  • Michigan Play Therapy Training Academy only assumes liability for the registration portion of any training.  All other costs are the responsibility of the registrant.




APT Approved Provider 15-407


26105 Orchard Lake Rd, STE 207

​Farmington Hills, MI  48334

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